You can find on this page the Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transport map to print and to download in PDF. The Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transportation map presents the transports network and transport zones of the transit of Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) in Gauteng - South Africa.

Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transports map

The Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transport map shows all means of transportation in Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi). This transports map of Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) will allow you to move easily with public transport of Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) in Gauteng - South Africa. The Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transportation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) is a young and sprawling city geared towards private motorists, and lacks a convenient public transportation system. A significant number of the city residents are dependent on the city informal minibus taxis as its shown in Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transports map. The fact that Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) is not near a large navigable body of water has meant that ground transportation has been the most important method of transporting people and goods in and out of the city.

Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) has a large public transport system, although it does not reach nearly as many places as we would like and it is not always reliable. However, the city transport network is currently (and constantly) being upgraded and services like the Gautrain have proven particularly popular as its mentioned in Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transports map. Depending on the length of your stay most visitors will find that renting a car makes life easier - outside the city centre there are entire neighbourhoods that can be difficult to reach with public transport, and the situation becomes even more trying if you want to head into the countryside.

Much of Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) new public-transport infrastructure, such as the Gautrain rapid-rail and Rea Vaya bus service, is safe, efficient and relatively easy to navigate. The Gautrain as you can see in Johannesburg (Joburg Jozi) transports map is most useful for getting between Sandton, Rosebank and Park Station and its network of feeder buses puts some of the suburbs, and particularly Montecasino, within easier reach for non-motorists. The other great selling point of the Gautrain is its quick link to O.R.Tambo airport - just 15 minutes flat from Sandton station. The Rea Vaya bus is a steadily developing network of buses which links the inner-city with Soweto and western suburbs such as Auckland Park. With a circular route through the city it is a particularly useful mode of transport for those who want to explore the City Centre without a car.